Adult Dog Sales
Personal Protection dogs? Guard dogs? Attack dogs? Companion dogs? Police dogs? Security dogs?
Call them what you wish but the adult dogs we re-home are going to be matched for your specific need. Ron Pace’s Canyon Crest K-9 Training Center has been very successful in selecting and matching young mature adult dogs for a family or business that is not interested nor has the time to raise a demanding puppy. We do not put a business protection dog in a family nor do we put a family dog in a business.

By selecting an adult, we can custom fit this match to you by first finding out about your lifestyle and then choosing the dog according to disposition, temperament, loyalty, construction and working ability. Once we find this match, the All-Breed Obedience Training is mandatory. The Controlled Personal Protection Training may be optional. (Click here to learn more about our Controlled Personal Protection Training.)
Call 253-926-9200 to see if we have the right dog for you.
Contact Us
4515 Vickery Ave. E.
Tacoma, WA 98443